Statistics have shown that the ocean holds approximately 150 million metric tons of plastic, with an additional eight million metric tons being added every year. This amount of plastic has proved detrimental and lethal to marine life, affecting 800 different species and killing 100,000 animals each year. These numbers are dangerously high and will only increase over time. Though we often don’t give it much thought, the ocean is a vital part of our survival and the planet’s wellbeing. In order to protect Earth’s future, we will need to do everything we can to preserve the ocean and its millions of inhabitants. As high schoolers, we have reached a conclusion that there needs to be a club that is dedicated towards spreading awareness, raising money towards preserving the ocean, and teaching other students how we can take care of the ocean by simple means.
The inspiration for this club comes from the experiences of one of our co-founders: “My initial impression of Bali was pleasing. There was the sunset, the palm trees, the warm white sand, and everything else a tropical vacation island could offer. I decided to look for some rocks in the lukewarm ocean, but as I searched, I only found chip bags, plastic bottles, and miscellaneous plastic bags. Determined to remove all the garbage in sight, I packed as much trash into my pockets as I could until I heard a soft thud against my foot. It was not seaweed, not driftwood. It was a worn diaper, and that marked the beginning of my horrors with ocean plastic. The next day, I went snorkeling at Manta Bay and I was hoping that it would live up to its name. Along the boat ride, it was apparent that plastic still plagued the waters a few miles off the coast. I hopped off the boat, but was immediately disappointed when a plastic bag got caught on my face, obstructing the view, but that didn’t matter because the view was filled with thousands of other plastic products. A Manta Ray swam right below me, trying to dodge the plastic bags suspended in the water as hard as I was, which was deeply saddening. This issue is not going away any time soon, and it demands immediate action by everyone.”
The problem of plastic is not just pertinent to Bali; plastic impacts the ocean worldwide. Due to this global conflict, we have decided that there needs to be a club on campus dedicated to the cause of helping the ocean. As a club, our main goal is to spread awareness on how we can take certain measures to protect the ocean and its marine wildlife. This includes hosting fundraisers to donate money towards certain organizations that go into the ocean to take out plastic and other debris. One of the organizations we plan on donating to is 4Oceans, which specifically goes into the ocean and takes out as much plastic as they can find. Since 2017, they have taken out approximately 8,500 metric tons of plastic. But if 8,000 metric tons are thrown into the ocean each year, unfortunately, the math doesn't add up. Therefore, we figured that through raising funds, we can donate money towards organizations like 4Oceans so they can get the help that they need. Going back to our main goal, we want to spread awareness of how the plastic in the ocean is truly a global conflict that we cannot ignore. We plan on doing this by holding presentations and having interactive activities to give students a better understanding of our predicament. We will teach students how to eliminate plastic use, which will in turn, prevent more plastic from accumulating in the ocean. Additionally, in our long-term plans, we would also like to go to a few beaches and clean up the plastic. Again, this is something we would like to do in the future. In conclusion, our oceans take up a majority of the Earth’s surface area and are full of diverse species; unfortunately, we are the sole cause of the damage inflicted upon the ocean and the species that inhabit it. However, this also means that we are the only ones who can help and find a solution. Although this club may not be able to solve all marine problems, we are willing to put in the time and effort to come together and help as much as we can. We are all very passionate about this topic and believe that this club will allow us to bring in more kids and ultimately, help make an impact and save the ocean’s marine wildlife.
As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “the future depends on what we do in the present.” The damage inflicted upon our ocean ecosystems has shown detrimental effects on marine wildlife, and will continue to do so if no action is taken. As the current generation, it is up to us to ensure a safe future for our oceans. Necessary action must be taken to preserve the ocean and all of its inhabitants before it is too late and there is nothing left to protect. This is why our Ocean Conservancy club is necessary to take initiative towards protecting marine ecosystems and its wildlife. Thank you!